- 2022-12-31Together, let's review the year 2022 of Sino-Russian Mathematics Center
- 2022-10-06SRMC Construction Promotion Conference was Held at Peking University
- 2022-06-01Sino-Russian Mathematics Center - Chengdu Base Kick-Off Meeting
- 2022-02-01Spring Festival Blessings from Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
- 2022-01-01SRMC's New Year Message: 2022, Stars and Sea, A Broad Journey
- 2021-12-112021 Workshop in Algebraic Geometry Codes Was Successfully Opened at Shenzhen MSU-BIT University
- 2025-03-27Volume and proportionality of the moduli of Shtukas
- 2025-03-27Symbolic vs Numeric: relating computations in discrete and continuous structures
- 2025-03-13Reconstruction of metric measure spaces and the spectral information on distances
- 2025-03-13The Boltzmann equation for kinetic shear flow
- 2025-01-09Potential Theory on graphs and embedding inequalities
- 2025-01-09Some results on the steady solution for the incompressible Euler equation
- 2024-12-26Gan-Gross-Prasad conjecture and its application in number theory
- Beijing-Saint Petersburg Mathematics Colloquium
- Sino-Russian Mathematics Center - JLU Colloquium
- Summer school of СPM “Сlassical, derived and condensed geometry”
- Beijing-Moscow Mathematics Colloquium
- The 22nd Geometry Seminar
- Beijing-Novosibirsk Seminar on Geometry and Mathematical Physics
- Sino-Russian Interdisciplinary Mathematical Conference
- A novel regression method for the analysis of multireader multicase-free-response receiver operating characteristics studies (by Prof. Zhou Xiaohua)
- Identifying effects of multiple treatments in the presence of unmeasured confounding (by Prof. Zhou Xiaohua)
- Deformations and homotopy theory of relative Rota-Baxter Lie algebras (by Prof. Sheng Yunhe)
- Transition pathways connecting crystals and quasicrystals (by Academician Zhang Pingwen and Associate Prof. Zhang Lei)
- Test of weak separability for spatially stationary functional field (by Prof. Yao Fang)
- Inference of heterogeneous treatment effects using observational data with high-dimensional covariates (by Prof. Zhou Xiaohua)
- Well-posedness of free boundary problem in non-relativistic and relativistic ideal compressible magnetohydrodynamics (by Associate Prof. Wang Tao)