近日,北京大学数学科学学院郭帅副教授与人合作在BCOV理论的A-模型结构方面取得重要突破。其论文“Polynomial Structure of Gromov–Witten Potential of Quintic 3-folds(五次三维流形的Gromov-Witten势函数的多项式结构)”被国际顶尖数学期刊 Annals of Mathematics接收。 郭帅副教授与复旦大学上海数学中心李骏教授、香港科技大学张怀良教授合作,使用NMSP理论在数学上对五次超曲面实现了BCOV猜想的有限生成性质和有限初始条件,并由此证明了Yamaguchi-Yau多项式结构猜想。该领域著名专家田刚院士说:“这篇论文解决了计数几何领域著名的难题,多位国际知名数学家都长期研究过,一直未有实质性进展。郭帅在解决这些难题中发挥了关键作用”。
[1].Holomorphic anomaly equation for (P2,E) and the Nekrasov-Shatashvili limit of local P2,arXiv:2001.05347, with Pierrick Bousseau, Honglu Fan and Longting Wu. Forum of Mathematics, Pi (2021), Vol.9, e3, 1–57.
[2].The theory of N-Mixed-Spin-P fields, arXiv: 1809.08806, to appear in Geometry & Topology, with Huai-Liang Chang, Jun Li and Wei-Ping Li. Geometry & Topology 25 (2021) 775–811.
[3].The Genus-One Global Mirror Theorem for the Quintic Threefold, arXiv:1703.06955, Compositio Mathematica, Vol. 155, Issue 5, 995-1024, (2019), with Dustin Ross.
[4].Genus-One Mirror Symmetry in the Landau-Ginzburg Model, arXiv:1611.08876, Algebraic Geometry, Vol. 6, Issue 3, 260-301, (2019), with Dustin Ross.