- 2025-02-24北大博雅讲席教授座谈会举行
- 2024-12-31躬耕与收获:图说中俄数学中心的2024年
- 2024-12-298位外国专家荣获“北京大学第四届燕园友谊奖”
- 2024-12-26亚历山大·热戈洛夫教授荣获“北京大学第四届燕园友谊奖”
- 2024-12-03中俄数学中心代表团赴俄罗斯参加第二届中俄跨学科数学会议
- 2024-10-29中俄数学挑战基金技术管理委员会2024年度工作会暨第二轮评审会召开
- 2025-03-13Reconstruction of metric measure spaces and the spectral information on distances
- 2025-03-13The Boltzmann equation for kinetic shear flow
- 2025-01-09Some results on the steady solution for the incompressible Euler equation
- 2025-01-09Potential Theory on graphs and embedding inequalities
- 2024-12-26The de Rham cohomology of soft function algebras
- 2024-12-26Gan-Gross-Prasad conjecture and its application in number theory
- 2024-12-12On second eigenvalues of closed hyperbolic surfaces for large genus
- 中俄数学中心——吉大论坛(Sino-Russian Mathematics Center-JLU Colloquium)
- 北京-圣彼得堡论坛(Beijing-Saint Petersburg Mathematics Colloquium)
- 北京-莫斯科论坛(Beijing-Moscow Mathematics Colloquium)
- Summer school of СPM “Сlassical, derived and condensed geometry”
- 第二十二届几何研讨会
- 北京-新西伯利亚论坛 (Beijing-Novosibirsk Seminar on Geometry and Mathematical Physics)
- Sino-Russian Interdisciplinary Mathematical Conference(中俄跨学科数学会议)