Valid Until: 2026-06-30 23:59
Abstract: Prismatic site of a p-adic formal scheme was introduced in the recent pioneer work of Bhatt—Scholze. It provides a uniform framework for various p-adic cohomology theories. Prismatic crystals are natural analogues of classical crystalline crystals on prismatic sites. In this talk, after reviewing some basic definitions of the prismatic site, I will discuss some basic properties of the cohomology of prismatic crystals on smooth p-adic formal schemes. The key ingredient is an explicit local description of (reduced) prismatic crystals in terms of Higgs modules.
Bio: Yichao Tian got his Ph. D. from University Paris in 2008. He is currently a professor in the Morningside Center of Mathematics at the Chinese Academy of Science. His main research fields are Arithmetic algebraic geometry: p-adic Hodge theory, Geometry of Shimura varieties in characteristic p > 0, p-divisible groups, and p-adic modular forms.