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Propagation of quasi-particles on singular spaces. Relation to the behavior of geodesics and to certain problems of analytic number theory

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Meeting ID: 82755522129

Password: 648063

Speaker: Andrey Shafarevich

Time: 16:00-17:00 Beijing time (11:00-12:00 Moscow time)

Abstract: We study propagation of semi-classical localized solutions of Schroedinger or wave equations (Gaussian beams) on a certain class of singular spaces. These spaces are obtained by connecting of a number of smooth manifolds by several segments. Laplacians on such spaces are defined with the help of extension theory an depend on boundary conditions in the points of gluing. Statistics of a number of Gaussian packets is governed by the behavior of geodesics on manifolds and is connected with certain problems of analytic number theory -  in particular, with the problem of distribution of abstract primes.

Bio: Prof. A.I. Shafarevich is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at Lomonosov Moscow State University. He is also the Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The main scientific interests of A.I.Shafarevich lie in the field of mathematical physics, asymptotic and geometric theory of linear and nonlinear partial differential equations, quantum mechanics and hydrodynamics. He solved the problem posed by V.P. Maslov and widely discussed in the scientific literature on the multiphase asymptotics for the equations of hydrodynamics.