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Liouville Properties of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations

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Meeting ID: 822 3903 4166

Password: 001993

Speaker: Zhen Lei 

Time: 17:00-18:00 Beijing time (12:00-13:00 Moscow time)

Abstract:  In this talk we will report recent results on the Liouville properties of bounded ancient solutions to the three-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. These properties are crucial for excluding potential type I singularities  or understanding the structure of possible singulairites of local smooth solutions of the corresponding Cauchy problem.

Bio: Dr. Zhen Lei is a distinguished professor of School of Mathematical Sciences at Fudan University. His honors include: Second-prize Winner of the National Prize of Natural Sciences; Winner of Shanghai Peony Prize of Natural Science; National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars; Changjiang Distinguished Professor; National Special Support Program for Leading Talents in Science and Technology Innovation. He is the Vice President of China Society for Industry and Applied Mathematics. Professor Lei's research is focused on the theory of PDEs arising from fluid mechanics and methematical physics. He introduced the concept of strong null condition and proved the global well-posedness of classical solutions to the incompressible elastodynamics in 2D. He has also made significant contributions to the well-posedness theory and Liouville properties of the incompressible Navier-Stokesequations. Professor Lei holds the position of associate editor-in-chief of Chinese Annals of Mathematics; associate editor-in-chief of Journal of Fudan University (Natural Science). He also serves at the editorial board for several academic journals, such as Communications in Mathematical Sciences, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, Fundamental Research, etc.