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Abstract: Algebraic semantics for modal logic with propositional quantifiers interpret formulas not just as true or false at some possible states, but directly as elements in a Boolean algebra, understood as an algebra of propositions. This general perspective allows us to study modal logics with propositional quantifiers that standard relational semantics based on states (possible worlds) cannot even define. In this talk, I will showcase the use of algebraic semantics in identifying conceptually significant modal logics with propositional quantifiers and also in proving mathematical/computational properties of such logics.
Bio: Yifeng Ding is an assistant professor at the Department of Philosophy at Peking University. He obtained his Ph.D. in Logic and the Methodology of Science from UC Berkeley in 2021. Before that, he received BA in philosophy and economics from Peking University in 2015.
He works mainly in modal logic, with serious interests also in decision theory and social choice theory. In modal logic, he has published works on logics for different kinds of knowledge, theories of non-normal modal logics, logics with propositional quantifiers, and comparative logics for probabilistic reasoning and set theory. In social choice, he is working on the axiomatization of several margin-graph-based voting methods.