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Electrical networks and positive lagrangian grassmanian

  • Speaker:Dmitry Talalaev (Moscow State University)
  • TIME:June 30, 2022 16:00-16:40 Moscow time, 21:00-21:40 Beijing time
  • LOCATION:oline


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Abstract: The dimer model, the Ising model, and the electric network model are in some sense archetypal examples of integrable models of statistical physics on weighted graphs. They correspond to general linear, orthogonal, and symplectic structure groups. In particular, the moduli spaces of such systems are embedded in completely non-negative Grassmannians: complete, orthogonal and Lagrangian, respectively. The talk will focus on the latter case, which corresponds to the problem of electrical networks. This statement in different forms and with the help of different techniques was constructed in the works of Lam, Chepuri, George, Speyer, as well as Bychkov, Gorbunov, Kazakov and the speaker arXiv:2109.13952.



*This talk is a part of the International Conference "GEOMETRY, GROUPS, OPERATOR ALGEBRAS, AND INTEGRABILITY 2022", supported by the Moscow Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics
