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Dimension datum of a subgroup

  • Speaker:Jun Yu(Peking University)
  • TIME: 2024-03-15 16:00 - 2024-03-15 17:00
  • LOCATION:online

Recording: https://disk.pku.edu.cn/link/AACCF70BA56A154F6494CC06C0A811B8F3
Valid Until: 2028-04-20 08:39



Abstract: The dimension datum problem asks for the determination of a closed subgroup in a given compact Lie group from its dimension datum, which is a spectral invariant of the subgroup. In this talk we present our series of works on the dimension datum problem.


Bio: Jun Yu obtained PhD from ETH Zurich in 2012, and then did postdoc in IAS Princeton and MIT. He is now an associate professor in Peking University. His research field is representation theory of Lie groups.