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Mapping class groups of circle bundles over a surface

  • Speaker:Lei Chen (University of Maryland)
  • TIME:2024-06-21 16:00 - 2024-06-21 17:00
  • LOCATION:Online


Recording: https://disk.pku.edu.cn/link/AAEFC9B9CF87E843029DA3CFD8B9D0C9DD


Abstract: In this talk, we study the algebraic structure of mapping class group Mod(M) of 3-manifolds M that fiber as a circle bundle over a surface. We prove an exact sequence, relate this to the Birman exact sequence, and determine when this sequence splits. We will also discuss the Nielsen realization problem for such manifolds and give a partial answer. This is joint work with Bena Tshishiku and Alina Beaini.


Bio: Lei Chen graduated from University of Chicago and did her Postdoc at Caltech. She then joined University of Maryland in 2021. Her research area is in geometric topology, in particular mapping class group and homeomorphism groups.