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Volume and proportionality of the moduli of Shtukas

  • 主讲人:Zhiwei Yun (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
  • 举办方: Beijing-Saint Petersburg Mathematics Colloquium
  • 时间: 2025-03-27 21:00 - 2025-03-27 22:00
  • 地点: Online

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Abstract: The volume of a locally symmetric space is essentially a product of special values of zeta functions. More generally, Hirzebruch's proportionality theorem (extended by Mumford) tells us how to integrate any Chern class polynomial on a locally symmetric space.

We give an analog and extension of these results in the function field case where new phenomena show up. Locally symmetric spaces will be replaced by the moduli space of Drinfeld Shtukas with multiple legs, and special values of zeta functions will be replaced by a linear combination of their derivatives of various order. This is joint work with Tony Feng and Wei Zhang.


Bio: Yun received his Bachelor's degree from Peking University in 2004, and the PhD degree from Princeton University in 2009, under the supervision of Robert MacPherson. He had faculty appointments at Stanford and at Yale, before joining MIT as a Professor.

Yun's research is at the crossroads between algebraic geometry, number theory, and representation theory. He studies geometric structures aiming at solving problems in representation theory and number theory, especially those in the Langlands program.

Yun received the 2012 SASTRA Ramanujan Prize, the 2013 Packard Fellowship, 2018 New Horizons Prize, 2019 Gold Medal of the International Congress of Chinese Mathematics and 2020 Simons Investigatorship. He was an invited speaker at ICM 2018, and was selected to be Fellow of the AMS in 2019.