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Alexey Augustinovich Tuzhilin date of birth: February 9, 1963

Office address:
Department of Differential Geometry and Applications, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, GSP-1, Main Building, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation
Tel: +7-495-939-39-40, Fax:+7-495-932-89-94
E-mail: tuz@mech.math.msu.su


Research interests

Differential geometry and its applications, variational problems, minimal networks, graph theory, metric geometry, geometric measure theory, minimal fillings theory, geometry of Gromov-Hausdorff space, Kantorovich Transportation Problem, mathematical modeling and visualization in investigations and education, molecular biology.


Academic qualifications

1997 Doctor Phys.-Math. Science, "Classification of Local Minimal Planar Networks with Convex Boundaries", Chair of Differential Geometry and Application,s Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow State University

1990 Candidate Phys.-Math. Science (Ph.D.) "Morse's Indices of Minimal Surfaces", Advisor: Prof. A.T. Fomenko, Chair of High Geometry and Topology, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow State University

1985-1989 Post-graduate studies, Chair of High Geometry and Topology, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow State University, Scientific advisor: Prof. A.T. Fomenko

1980-1985 Student, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow State University, Bachelor of Mathematics, (red diploma)


Current position and past employment history

2009-2014 Member of Academic Council of Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow State University

2007-2013 Member of Experts Council of Superior Certification Commission

2006-Present Head of Laboratory of Computer Methods in Humanities and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow State University

2006-2008 Visiting Professor in Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China

2000-Present Full Professor, Chair of Differential Geometry and Applications, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow State University

2000-2010 Full Professor, Institute of Natural Science and Ecology (now it is a part of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology)

1997-2000 Associate Professor, Chair of Differential Geometry and Applications, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow State University

1994-1997 Teaching Assistant, Chair of Differential Geometry and Applications, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow State University

Jan. 1993-Jun. 1994 Professore Visitante IMECC, UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil

1992-1993 Teaching Assistant, Chair of Differential Geometry and Applications, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow State University

1989-1992 Research Assistant, Laboratory of Renewable Sources of Energy, Moscow State University 


The list of courses

1992-present   Seminars on Classical Differential Geometry

1992-2010 Seminars on Differential Geometry and Topology

1992-1996   Special Course on Topological Variational Problems

1993-1994   Lectures on Mathematical Methods in Economics

1996-1997   Lectures on Mathematical Methods in Economics

1996-1997   Seminars on Mathematical Methods in Economics

1998-2010   Lectures on Classical Differential Geometry

1998-2010   Lectures on Differential Geometry and Topology

1998-present  Special Seminars on Extreme Networks Theory

2002-2010   Lectures and Seminars on High Geometry and Topology for students of Institute of Natural Science and Ecology (now it is a part of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology)

2002-2004   Special Courses on Mathematical Methods in Biology

2003-2004   Lectures on Differential Geometry for Students of Bioinformatics Department

2006-2008   Lectures and Seminars on Differential Geometry and Topology in HIT, Harbin, China

2010-2013   Practicum on Computer Geometry

2011-2013   Special Course Elements of Metric Geometry

2012-present  Lectures on Visual Geometry and Topology

2012-present  Seminars on Visual Geometry and Topology

2013-2015   Special Course Metric Geometry and Geometric Theory of Graphs

2015-2016   Special Course Geometric Measure Theory. Introduction

2016-2017   Special Course  Elements of Metric Geometry and Geometric Graph Theory

2017-2018 Special Course Steiner Problem: Approach of Geometric Measure Theory

2018-2019 Special Course Kantorovich Transportation Problem and Geometry of Probability Measures




1.  A.T.Fomenko, A.A.Tuzhilin, Elements of the geometry and topology of minimal surfaces in three-dimensional space. Translations of Mathematical Monographs, 1992, v. 93.

2.  A.O.Ivanov, A.A.Tuzhilin, Minimal Networks: The Steiner Problem and Its Generalizations. CRC Press, N.W., Boca Raton, Florida, 1994.

3.  A.O.Ivanov, A.A.Tuzhilin, Branched Geodesics: Geometrical Theory of Local Minimal Networks. The Edwin Mellen Press, Lewinston, NY, USA, 1999 (in Russian).

4.  A.O.Ivanov, A.A.Tuzhilin, Branching solutions to one-dimensional variational problems. World Scientific, Singapore-New Jersey-London- Hong Kong, 2000.

5. A.O.Ivanov, A.A.Tuzhilin, Extreme Networks Theory. Moscow-Izhevsk: institute of Computer Investigations, 2003 (in Russian).

6. V.V.Trofimov, A.A.Tuzhilin, Mathematical models in economy. 5 lectures. – 2005,  http://www.gaudeamus.omskcity.com/PDF_library_economic_5.html.

7.  A.O.Ivanov, A.A.Tuzhilin, Lections on Differential Geometry and Topology, Part 1: Classical Differential Geometry. Preprint, 2001-Present (on http://www.mmonline.ru or http://dfgm.math.msu.su)

8.  A.O.Ivanov, A.A.Tuzhilin, Lections on Differential Geometry and Topology, Part 2: Tensor Calculus on Manifolds. Preprint, 2001- Present (on http://dfgm.math.msu.su)

9. A.O.Ivanov, A.A.Tuzhilin, Lectures on Classical Differential Geometry, Moscow, Logos, 2008.

10. A.T.Fomenko, A.O.Ivanov, D.P.Il’yutko, G.V.Nosovskij, A.A.Tuzhilin. Computer Geometry: practical work. 2010.

11. I.M.Nikonov, A.A.Tuzhilin, Mathematical Models in Economics. Spring Term. 2012, MSU, Moscow, 120 pp.

12. A.A.Tuzhilin, A.T.Fomenko, Element of Geometry and Topology of Minimal Surfaces. 2014, URSS Moscow, ISBN 978-5-9710-0878-1, 256 pp.

13. A.A.Oshemkov, F.Yu.Popelensky, A.A.Tuzhilin, A.T.Fomenko, A.I.Shafarevich Textbook on Visual Geometry and Topology. 2014, URSS, Moscow, ISBN 978-5-9710-0970-2, 360 pp.

14. A.O.Ivanov, A.A.Tuzhilin, Geometry of Hausdorff and Gromov-Hausdorff Distances: the Case of Compacts. Publishing House of the Board of Trustees of Mechanical-Mathematical Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2017, Moscow (in Russian).

15. A.O.Ivanov, A.A.Tuzhilin, Steiner Problem: Approach of Geometrical Measure Theory. Publishing House of the Board of Trustees of Mechanical-Mathematical Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2018, Moscow (in Russian).

16. A.O.Ivanov, A.A.Tuzhilin, Geometric Measure Theory, Part 1. Publishing House of the Board of Trustees of Mechanical-Mathematical Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2018, Moscow (in Russian).


Recent awards

1. State gratuity for young scientists, 1996, Moscow, Russia

2. Shuvalov premium, 2000, Moscow, Russia

3. Russian Federation President Grant "Young doctors of science", 2001, Moscow, Russia

4. Euler gratuity, 2002, Bochum, Germany

Current and previous grant support

1. International Scientific Fund of J.Soros (1992, 1993-94)

2. INTAS (1995-1997, 1996-1997, 1997-2000)

3. Ministry of Culture and Science, France (1991-1993)

4. Russian Foundation for Fundamental Investigations (1994-1995, 1995-1996, 1996-1998, 1998-2000, 2001-2003, 2003-2005, 2005- 2007, 2007-2009,2010-2012)

5. FAPESP (1992-1993)

6. Ministry of Science and Technical Politics, Russia (1996-1998)

7. Russian Federation President Grant for young scientists support (2001-2003)

8. Russian Federation President Grant for leading scientific schools support (2003-2005)

9. Universities of Russian Grant (2000-2005)

10. Russian-French Grant (biology, 2005-2007)

11. Geometry and Topology of Manifolds and Dynamical Systems, RFBR (1993-2018)

12. Scientific basis for creating a bank-depository of living beings, RSF (2015-2018)

13. Geometry and Topology of Manifolds and Dynamical Systems (2016- 2018)

14. Differential Geometry and Applications (2016-2017)

15. Geometry and Topology of Manifolds, Dynamical Systems, and Hamiltonian Systems (2019-2021)