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Georgy Igorevich Sharygin

Born September 18, 1974


Current Interests
Poisson geometry and integrable systems, invariats of Poisson and symplectic manifolds, Deformation quantisation, Quantum Groups and Galois-type Extensions, (Hopf-type) Cyclic (co)homology with coefficients and its applications, Geometry and Topology of Loop Spaces, K-theory and its applications, higher homotopy structures in cyclic homology and geometry, characteristic classes of simplicial and homological manifolds.



1. Moscow State (Lomonosov) University, dept. of Mechanics and Mathematics Leninskie gory, d. 1, 119991, Moscow Russia

Tel. +7 - (495) 939-2090 Fax. +7 - (495) 939-1244

2. Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, ul. B. Cheremushkinskaia, d. 25 117218, Moscow, Russia

Tel. +7 - (499) 123-3555 Fax. +7 - (499) 127-0833



1996 - 1999    Ph.D in Pure Mathematics, December 2000. Moscow State University.

Thesis title: Geometry of non-commutative principal bundles.

1991 - 1996   Moscow State University, Department of Mechanics and Mathematics. Undergraduate studies.


November 2012-November 2020  –  Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Dubna, senior researcher 

January  2012  –  Delaunay Laboratory of Discrete and Computational Geometry,

December 2013  –  Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl, researcher

December 2010  –  Moscow State Lomonosov University, dept. of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow, associate professor

June 2000  –  Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow, researcher

December 1999-August 2012  –  SUNC MGU (Kolmogorov’s school, affiliated with the Moscow State University), associate professor

March 2004-August 2011  –  Department of Elementary Mathematics, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow, assistant professor

Fall 2007     Department of Mathematics, University of Colorado in Boulder, Ulam visiting professor

Fall 2019     Department of Mathematics, Peking University, visiting professor

Teaching experience:

Spring 1999  –  Independent University of Moscow. Exercises for the course ”Differential Geometry”.

Spring 1999-present time  –  Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Mathematical Physics Group, special lectures for students.

Fall 2000-Spring 2001  –  Pedagogical University of Moscow, Department of Mathematics. Undergraduate course ”Foundations of Geometry”.

Fall 1999-Spring 2012  –  SUNC MGU (Kolmogorov’s school). Lectures and exercises in elementary mathematics for students.

Spring 2004-Spring 2011  –  Moscow State Pedagogical University, Department of Mathematics and Physics, undergraduate courses in Elementary Mathematics.

Fall 2010-present time  –  Moscow State Lomonosov University, Department of Mechanics and mathematics, exercises in Differential Geometry, Computer methods in Geometry, lectures on Noncommutative geometry, K-theory, exercises in Elementary topology, various special courses

Fall 2007  –  University of Colorado in Boulder, Department of Mathematics, undergraduate course “Linear Algebra”

Fall 2016-present time  –  Independent University in Moscow, special courses and seminars on K-theory and index theorems

Fall 2019  –  Peking University, special course“Deformation quantisation”


Courses taught:

Geometry and Topology, Simplicial and operadic methods in Topology, Atiyah-Singer in- dex theorem, various topics in Elementary Mathematics (Algebra and Geometry, elements of Calculus), Linear Algebra, Elementary Topology, Differential Geometry, K-theory.