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阮勇斌院士公开课: Logarithmic R-map, Geometric Langlands and co-adjoint orbits (6月7日,6月9日)

Lecturer:Prof. Yongbin Ruan, IAS of Zhejiang University

Bio: Yongbin Ruan is a professor at IAS of Zhejiang University, currently. He is a world well-known mathematician who was selected as an Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences since 2021. He works in the field of Symplicit Geometry and Mathematical Physics. Prof. Ruan was the founder of many famous theories in mathematics, like (orbifold) Gromov-Witten theory, relative Gromov-Witten theory, Chen-Ruan cohomology and Fan-Jarvis-Ruan-Witten theory. He has made a lot of contributions to the resolution of many famous conjectures, like Arnold conjecture, the generalized Witten conjecture and LG/CY correspondence conjectures.

Lecture 1.  Logarithmic R-map

Lecture time:  June 7 (16:00-17:00, Beijing time )

To Join Zoom Meeting(June 7):


Meeting ID:873 3760 8631



The fundamental object of Gromov-Witten theory is the notation of stable map to a target Kahler/Symplectic manifold. 

In LG A-model in physics, the target carries an additional $C^*$ action called R-charge. It twisted the notation of map in so-called gauged linear sigma model. Furthermore, its moduli space is noncompact even with stability condition. In the talk, we will  introduce the notation of $R$-map. The effort to compactify it leads to the theory of Logarithmic R-maps. This is a joint work with Qile Chen and Felix Janda.


Lecture 2. Geometric Langlands and co-adjoint orbits.

Lecture time:  June 9 (16:00-17:00, Beijing time )

To Join Zoom Meeting(June 9):


Meeting ID:830 6100 5763


Abstract: Geometric Langlands can be interpreted as a mirror symmetry between the moduli space of Higgs bundle of group $G$ via the same moduli space of its Langlands dual $G'$. Once we consider the insertion as a form of parabolic structure or more generally coadjoint orbit, it is clear that the conjectural mirror symmetry of moduli space of Higgs bundle requires a version of mirror symmetry between coadjoint orbits. In the talk, we will explore the possible "coadjoint orbit mirror symmetry". 


Recording: https://disk.pku.edu.cn:443/link/8738893EE497D7F2E67EF698283C99F8

Valid Until: 2025-03-25 23:59