殷殷嘱托 念兹在兹
科技报国 无日或忘
组建团队 聚焦前沿
设立基地 繁荣学术
星辰大海 征途远阔
■ 中俄数学中心主任
■ 中国科学院院士
衷心感谢中俄两国政府和领导、北京大学和莫斯科大学以及各界对中俄数学中心的关心支持, 我们将更加努力,与中俄数学家一道,力争重大理论突破,推进学科交叉融合与应用,建设国际前沿学派,铸造国际科技合作交流新格局。
■ 中俄数学中心副主任
■ 中国科学院院士
■ 中俄数学中心副主任
■ 北京大学数学科学学院院长
■ 中俄数学中心副主任
■ 北京大学 “数学及其应用” 教育部重点实验室主任
Armen Sergeev
■ 斯捷科洛夫数学研究所教授
■ 兼职莫斯科国立大学、俄罗斯高等经济大学教授
I would like to use this opportunity to congratulate you with the New Year 2022 and wish all the best to you and your relatives.
Needless to say that it was a very hard year for all of us. We have lost some of our colleagues, many conferences were cancelled or moved to the online format. We were forced to cancel also many of our scientific visits.
However, our mathematical like and, in particular our bilateral relations did not stop. In particular, Beijing-Moscow mathematical colloquium worked intensively during the whole year. Many Chinese mathematicians took part in mathematical seminars in Russia and vice versa.
I hope that the next year will be more friendly to us and we shall have possibilities to meet in person.
Wishing all the best to all of you in 2022.
Iskander Taimanov
■ 俄罗斯科学院院士
■ 新西伯利亚国立大学教授
I am very pleased to wish you a Happy New Year!
I am confident that the Sino-Russian Mathematical Center will continue to develop successfully in the coming year.
Since the end of this year, the Beijing-Novosibirsk Seminar on Geometry and Mathematical Physics has been held within its framework. He started working online at the very beginning of the pandemic. But we also have new ideas for cooperation.
I wish you all success, good health and new spectacular results!
Alexandra Skripchenko
■ 俄罗斯高等经济大学数学系系主任
On behalf of your Moscow partners - faculty of mathematics at HSE - I would like to wish you all the best in 2022!
The leaving year was indeed very special for us - you and us officially became friends and partners.
It seems that we established collaboration that will become a base of our future development as scientific and educational centers.
I hope that our students and professors will gain a lot from this agreement already in 2022 due to the mutual visits and joint research activities.
We will be waiting for you and your students very impatiently here in Moscow and will be glad to welcome you at ICM and its satellite events - many of them will happen here, in Moscow.
I wish you happy New Year with many challenging mathematical problems and beautiful solutions for them!
Evgeny Vdovin
■ 俄罗斯科学院西伯利亚分院索博列夫数学研究所
■ 新西伯利亚大学数学中心主任
May the coming 2022 year be a year of your success, prosperity and bright achievements for you and your institute!
We already have a joint seminar between Mathematical Center in Akademgorodok and we believe that in the new year we start our new joint projects in mathematical education and research
Andrey Mironov
■ 俄罗斯科学院西伯利亚分院索博列夫数学研究所所长