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【学术报告】 On the geometric solutions of the Riemann problem for one class of systems of conservation laws.

  • 主讲人:Vladimir Palin, Moscow State University
  • 时间:周五21:00-22:00,2020-07-10
  • 地点:online

Beijing-Moscow Mathematics Colloquium (online) 


We consider the Riemann problem for a system of conservation laws. For non-strictly hyperbolic in the sense of Petrovskii step-like systems, a new method of constructing a solution is described. The proposed method allows us to construct a unique solution to the Riemann problem, which for each $t$ is a picewise smooth function of $x$ with discontinuities of the first kind. Moreover, for the scalar conservation law, the solution constructed by the proposed method coincides with the known admissible solution.


Vladimir Palin recieved higher education degree from Moscow State University in 2005, PhD degree from Moscow State University in 2009. He is now a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Moscow State University. His research interests include hyperbolic equations and systems, conservation laws and matrix equations.