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【学术报告】Supercomputer simulations of aerodynamics and aeroacoustics problems using high-accuracy schemes on unstructured meshes.

  • 主讲人:Prof. Andrey Gorobets, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of RAS, Moscow
  • 时间:周五21:00-22:00,2020-06-26
  • 地点:online

Beijing-Moscow Mathematics Colloquium (online) 


This talk is devoted to scale-resolving simulations of compressible turbulent flows using edge-based high-accuracy methods on unstructured mixed-element meshes. The focus is on parallel computing. Firstly, the family of edge-based schemes that we are developing will be outlined. Then our simulation code NOISEtte will be presented. It has multilevel MPI+OpenMP+OpenCL parallelization for a wide range of hybrid supercomputer architectures. A description of the parallel algorithm will be provided. Finally, our supercomputer simulations of aerodynamics and aeroacoustics problems will be demonstrated. 


Andrey Gorobets graduated from Moscow State University in 2003. He then outlived three thesis defenses: 2007, Candidate of Sciences (к. ф.-м. н., equivalent to Ph.D.) at IMM RAS; 2008, European Ph.D. degree at UPC, Barcelona, Spain; 2015, Doktor nauk (д. ф.-м. н., higher doctoral degree) at the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of RAS (KIAM), Moscow, Russia. He is now a leading researcher at KIAM. His work is focused on algorithms and software for large-scale supercomputer simulations of turbulent flows.