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【学术报告】Polynomial complexity and Sarnak conjecture

  • 主讲人:Prof. Wen Huang, University of Science and Technology of China(USTC)
  • 时间:周四20:00-21:00,2021-03-25
  • 地点:online

Beijing-Saint Petersburg Mathematics Colloquium (online)


We will review some recent progresses in Sarnak conjecture related to complexity. In particular, we will investigate the relation between {0,1}- sequences with polynomial mean complexity and the Logarithmic Sarnak conjecture.



Huang Wen received his Ph.D. from the Department of Mathematics, USTC in 2003. His research field is topological dynamical system and ergodic theory, related to the entropy and chaos theory, multipleergodic Theorem, Sarnak’s conjecture and so on. He and his collaborators proved the following results: 1) positive entropy implies weak horseshoes. 2) pointwise multiple ergodic theorem holds for distal measure-preserving systems. 3) Sarnak’s conjecture holds for dynamical systems with sub-polynomial measure complexity. He achieved many rewards: 2012 China National Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists; 2018 National Ten Thousand Talent Program Leading Scientists, P.R.China; 2018 Second Class National Natural Science Award, P.R.China(rank 2).