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【Seminars】An invitation to categorical enumerative invariants.

  • Speaker:Junwu Tu
  • Time:17:00-18:00 Beijing time (12:00-13:00 Moscow time)
  • Location:online

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Speaker: Junwu Tu

Time: 17:00-18:00 Beijing time (12:00-13:00 Moscow time)
Abstract: In this talk, we shall sketch the definition of categorical enumerative invariants following Costello (2004/2005) and Caldararu-T. (2020). Then we survey known calculations of these categorical invariants. In the end, we also discuss some research problems in this direction.

Bio: Junwu Tu got his Ph.D. from University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2011. He is currently an associate professor in the Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMS) at ShanghaiTech University. His main research fields are homological algebras related to mirror symmetry. His recent works have been focused on understanding categorical enumerative invariants defined by Costello back in 2004.