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【Seminars】Geometric description of the Hochschild cohomology of Group Algebras

  • Speaker:A. S. Mishchenko (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
  • Time:周五16:00-17:00,2020-09-25
  • Location:online

Beijing-Moscow Mathematics Colloquium (online) 



Professor A.S. Mischenko graduated from Moscow State University in 1965. He became a Professor of the Department of Higher Geometry and Topology, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of this University in 1979. He also holds a position of Leading researcher at the Mathematical Steklov Institute. He is a Honored Professor of Moscow University since 2006. 
His research interests include geometry and topology and their applications. The main direction of his work is related to the study and application of algebraic and functional methods in the theory of smooth manifolds.