Beijing-Saint Petersburg Mathematics Colloquium (online)
This talk is based on the joint works with R. Hazrat, A. Stepanov and N. Vavilov in the past decade. In his seminal paper, more than half a century ago, Hyman Bass initialed the study of commutator subgroups and commutator formulas over rings. Since then, it attracted great attend of many leading experts including A. Bak, A.A. Suslin, L.N. Vaserstein, etc.. Various commutator formulas have been obtained in stable and non-stable settings and for a range of classical and algebraic like-groups.
In this talk, we will describe some recent results on the study (higher/birelative) commutators in general linear groups $GL(n,A)$ as well as their elementary generators. we will also discuss some further related research and applications.