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On cut-and-join operators, matrix models and tau-functions

  • Speaker:Alexander Alexandrov (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics)
  • Organizer:Beijing-Novosibirsk Seminar on Geometry and Mathematical Physics
  • Start Time:2023-11-23 17:00
  • End Time:2023-11-23 18:00
  • Venue:online

To Join Tencent Meeting:https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/j65HmmlOiIaK
Meeting ID:936-900-636


Abstract: In my talk, I will discuss several interconnected topics related to integrable hierarchies, matrix models, enumerative geometry, and cut-and-join (or W-) operators. In particular, I will describe several examples of the cut-and-join operator descriptions of the enumerative geometry generating functions, including Kontsevich-Witten and Brézin-Gross-Witten tau-functions, Hermitean matrix model, and Hurwitz numbers. 

If time permits, a general construction of cubic cut-and-join operators for the semisimple cohomological field theories and topological recursion will be discussed.