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Contou-Carrere symbols and Riemann-Roch theorems

  • Speaker:Denis Osipov (Steklov Mathematical Institute)
  • Organizer:Beijing-Saint Petersburg Mathematics Colloquium
  • Start Time:2024-02-29 21:00
  • End Time:2024-02-29 22:00
  • Venue:online

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Abstract: The Contou-Carrere symbol was introduced by C. Contou-Carrere and P. Deligne. This symbol generalizes the residue of differential form and the tame symbol at a point on an algebraic curve, and can be considered as the deformation of the tame symbol. By two invertible elements of the algebra of Laurent series over a commutative ring this symbol defines an invertible element of the base ring. The Contou-Carrere symbol is connected with the class field theory for an algebraic curve over a finite field, and it satisfies the reciprocity laws. In my talk I will speak about these classical results and also about my recent results on the connection of the Contou-Carrere symbol  with the Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem for the family of projective curves. This connection is via the central extension of the group that is the semidirect product of the group of invertible elements of the algebra of Laurent series over a ring and the group of continuous automorphisms of this algebra. 


Bio: Denis Vasilyevich Osipov is a brilliant expert in algebraic and arithmetic geometry, algebraic number theory, multidimensional adeles and multidimensional local fields, 2-categories and their applications to multidimensional adeles and arithmetic, integrable systems. 
He graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University in 1996 and got his PhD there in 1999 and the DS degree (habilitation) in 2013.  Later on, in 2018, Prof. Osipov has got the honorable degree of Professor of Russian Academy of Science.  

Since 1999 he has been working in the algebra department of the Steklov Mathematical Institute being currently a leading researcher. He is also a researcher at the International Laboratory of Mirror Symmetry and Automorphic Forms at the National Research University Higher School of Economics and a professor at MISiS. He teaches at the Research Center for Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics and Mathematics at Moscow State University. 
Prof. Osipov is a laureate of of several prestigeous awards.  For instance, he has got the first prize at the competition for young mathematicians named after. L. Euler, awarded by the Euler Foundation and the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society, in the “young scientists” category.